Room 1
Room 1
This smaller bedroom in the apartment was occupied by the single parent of four lovely children.
The four siblings shared this bigger bedroom. The two young sisters used the bunk bed and the two teenaged brothers slept on an old double mattress and box spring on the floor. There was a dresser for each pair of bedmates. The children used the walls of their room to express their love and worry for their parent when she became very ill.
After several months, the parent passed away. The two girls went to live with their other biological parent and the two boys tried to find work so they could stay in the apartment where they had grown up.
Room 2
One of the boys helped scrub the walls with TSP and water prior to us applying two coats of primer. Next we painted the walls a light grey with white trim. New linens, comforter and pillows gave the parent’s bed a new look for the older teen. A green crinkle sheer curtain on a new rod complemented the grey.
We brought a new dresser plus a desk and chair to do his homework. His towel reflects his love of video games and a new clock radio will ensure he’s on time for school.
Room 1

The smaller bedroom was painted light purple for the younger teen who loves art and all colours. We bought a twin XL mattress and box spring for him because he is tall. Then we added a sturdy black wrought iron headboard to promote bedtime reading.
Students in a York Region school had donated beautiful, laminated posters to Room for a Child. After some deliberation, this young man chose three of them which we hung on removable hooks.
Finally, to his delight, we brought in a wide desk and a sturdy chair. This is not only for homework completion, but also for him to enjoy creating his own art.