This room still contained old craft supplies not being used, plus outgrown toys and books. This girl had no bed frame so was using an extra box spring to boost the height of her bed. The room had no closet so storage was an issue.
First we brought in a bed frame no longer needed by her brother. We topped it with one box spring and a new mattress. Dressed with new linens, pillows and comforter, it looked great. Now there was also space under the bed for out of season clothes.
This girl was willing to help sort her old clothes, toys and books into bins labelled Keep, Toss and Donate. She really pared down her belongings to what she actually needed and enjoyed..
Her mom offered to paint her old dresser and we brought in a desk for homework and the crafting projects she loves. As she gets older she will use the dressing table to prep for school and free up the busy family bathroom.